Governor Trump 2.0 : USA is an overseas country

Dear Trump 2.0

 The United States is an overseas territory belonging to Israel and whose governor is Donald Trump appointed by Netanyahu

Believe me but you are only a governor in the hands of the Israel' zionists.

Did you or didn't you visited the Western Wall on May 2017 ?

 More ....

On February 23, 2018, the U.S. State Department announced that the new American embassy in Israel was scheduled to open in May of that year. 

It was officially inaugurated in Jerusalem on May 14, 2018—a date coinciding with Israel's 70th Yom Ha'atzmaut. Representatives from 32 countries were present at the event, including EU members Austria, the Czech Republic, and Romania. 

Along the Gaza–Israel border, the Israeli military responded to a massive Palestinian protest with tear gas and sniper fire, resulting in the deaths of at least 58 Palestinians and marking the highest single-day death toll since the 2014 Gaza War.

The Israeli government defended the military's use of force as having been a necessary measure in the face of the protesters' throwing of rocks and explosives towards the Israelis. Just over a year later, on March 25, 2019, the Trump administration signed in another U.S. presidential proclamation recognizing the Golan Heights as part of Israel.


Dear Trump 2.0
This is a joke retaliation to yours ! Just kidding !


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