Thanks to Shachi Kurl ; I will vote for the Bloc

 Many thanks to Shachi Kurl the "moderator" at last night CBC's english debate.

Shachi Kurl works for the Angus Reid Institute an "non biased researcher" based in Vancouver, Justin Trudeau's hometown. Angus Reid is also a pollster.

Her first question to Bloc's Yves-François Blanchet was despicable, cheap, ignonimous, shameful, degrading, and abject.

If you want to see what Quebec bashing looks like, her question to Blanchet is another example.

In the last federal elections (2015) I did vote by voting for all of them. It was a cancel vote.

This time, I will vote for the Bloc, thanks to Shachi Kurl, the "non biased moderator".


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