Lettre à Joe Biden pour réintroduire l'usage des tissus fœtaux, Covid-19 inclus
Est-ce que Alexis de Lancer et ses décrypteurs ont lu cette lettre envoyée à Joe Biden?
Alexis De Lancer
Animateur «Décrypteurs» - IciRDI / Animateur balado «Ça s’explique»
Montréal / Santo Domingo ici.radio-canada.ca
Est-ce que les chroniqueuses des médias Québecor se sont donné la peine de voir plus loin que le bout de leur nez ?
Il s'agit d'une lettre envoyée à Joe Biden par ISSCR (International Society for Stem Cell Research)
Elle date du 7 janvier 2021.
La coalition (pour les co-signataires ) demande à Biden d'annuler les restrictions de 2019 concernant l'usage des tissus provenant des avortements (IVG). Une phrase de cette lettre qui devrait attirer votre attention : It remains critical for the development of new treatments for a wide range of serious diseases, including COVID19.
The ISSCR Urges HHS to Rescind the Proposed Rule on Human Fetal Tissue Research
January 7, 2021 The Honorable Joseph Biden, Jr. President-Elect 1401 Constitution Ave NW Washington, DC 20230
Dear President-elect Biden, On behalf of the scientific, medical, and patient communities dedicated to advancing medical knowledge and improving human health, we congratulate you on your election and urge you, upon taking office, to swiftly rescind the human fetal tissue (HFT) research restrictions and policy changes that the Department of Health and Human Services made in 2019.
These changes have halted all intramural HFT research and obstructed new extramural research involving HFT. Scientists and ethicists have repeatedly reviewed the use of HFT in research and have consistently concluded that HFT is an essential resource for biomedical research.
HFT has led to many scientific and medical advances that have saved millions of lives.
It remains critical for the development of new treatments for a wide range of serious diseases, including COVID19.
We encourage you to immediately revoke the 2019 Department of Health and Human Services policy that banned intramural NIH research and imposed an additional and unnecessary barrier for extramural research using HFT, and restore the previous process for approving these projects.
As a result of the flawed 2019 policy, highly worthy, scientifically meritorious research was not funded, creating a chilling effect on the broader scientific community.
The NIH guide notices that implemented the HHS policy (NOT-OD-19-128 and NOT-OD-19-137) must be revoked to restore the integrity of the peer review process and lift the unnecessary barriers to promising biomedical research using HFT.
La suite ici : https://www.isscr.org/docs/default-source/policy-documents/coalition-letter-to-president-elect-biden-on-hft-jan-2021.pdf
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